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⚙️ The Power of Systems & Boundaries
Make Being Effective Seem Effortless

Systems & Boundaries
To be truly effective you need BOTH Systems & Boundaries. These enable simple “effortless” steps to result in effective outcomes.
SYSTEM - Processes you use to efficiently and excellently steward whatever type of “thing” you are responsible for.
• Task to be done? Put it in the task manger.
• Event to be attended? Put it in the calendar.
• Finance goal? Put it in the budget.
BOUNDARY - Barrier you place physically, temporally, or organizationally so that wherever you are, you are 100% there.
• Phone Focus Modes - To stay focused at work or present with the family.
• Standardized Schedule - So you always make it to the gym, work with diligence, and are home for family time.
• No Work Email outside of Work - The minute you look at your inbox your mind is taken away from wherever you are physically.
System - Pro Tips ⚙️
The best system is the one you use! Also when you start with something you create a baseline that can then be improved. So don’t stall out searching for the “best thing.”
I believe that having a system for Tasks, Calendar Events, and Notes is the best place to start because these are the essential TYPES of things everyone has: Tasks to be done, appointments to schedule, information to keep track of.
Find hyperlinks in the section below for further pro-tips, deep-dives, and recommendations 👇🏼
Boundaries - Pro Tips 🚧
Standardized Scheduling is HUGE for making sure you spend the right time on the right things. I used to have “Go to the Gym 3 Times” as a task that I would tackle every single week… now I don’t worry about it. Why? Because those 3 Gym Times are baked into my schedule.
Boundaries tend to be broken passively: You open your email by reflex, a notification catches your eye, you peruse an app that takes away your focus. Phone Focus Modes will create digital barriers that help you keep your boundaries (You can read a whole T+P entry about those too).
T+P Retrospective
The past 6 months have been about enabling you to craft good systems & boundaries. So ultimately, if you want a 101 to Systems & Boundaries you need to start with the initial publications of T+P. Checkout the links below!
✅ Anatomy of a To-Do List
🗓️ Anatomy of a Calendar
🗒️ Anatomy of a Note System
📨 Anatomy of an Email Inbox
💰 Anatomy of a Budget
🏆 Anatomy of Goal Planning
📱 Anatomy of an Organized Phone
🔽 The Focus Funnel
📱 Focus Modes
💪🏼 Commit to Discipline
I’m thinking I might create a video course: “Get Organized!” were I can overview these essential areas with more interaction and detail. If that sounds interesting to you, let me know 😄

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