⚙️ The Power of Systems & Boundaries

Make Being Effective Seem Effortless

Systems & Boundaries

To be truly effective you need BOTH Systems & Boundaries. These enable simple “effortless” steps to result in effective outcomes.

SYSTEM - Processes you use to efficiently and excellently steward whatever type of “thing” you are responsible for.
Task to be done? Put it in the task manger.
Event to be attended? Put it in the calendar.
Finance goal? Put it in the budget.

BOUNDARY - Barrier you place physically, temporally, or organizationally so that wherever you are, you are 100% there.
Phone Focus Modes - To stay focused at work or present with the family.
Standardized Schedule - So you always make it to the gym, work with diligence, and are home for family time.
No Work Email outside of Work - The minute you look at your inbox your mind is taken away from wherever you are physically.

System - Pro Tips ⚙️

The best system is the one you use! Also when you start with something you create a baseline that can then be improved. So don’t stall out searching for the “best thing.”

I believe that having a system for Tasks, Calendar Events, and Notes is the best place to start because these are the essential TYPES of things everyone has: Tasks to be done, appointments to schedule, information to keep track of.

Find hyperlinks in the section below for further pro-tips, deep-dives, and recommendations 👇🏼

Boundaries - Pro Tips 🚧

Standardized Scheduling is HUGE for making sure you spend the right time on the right things. I used to have “Go to the Gym 3 Times” as a task that I would tackle every single week… now I don’t worry about it. Why? Because those 3 Gym Times are baked into my schedule.

Boundaries tend to be broken passively: You open your email by reflex, a notification catches your eye, you peruse an app that takes away your focus. Phone Focus Modes will create digital barriers that help you keep your boundaries (You can read a whole T+P entry about those too).


T+P Retrospective

The past 6 months have been about enabling you to craft good systems & boundaries. So ultimately, if you want a 101 to Systems & Boundaries you need to start with the initial publications of T+P. Checkout the links below!

I’m thinking I might create a video course: “Get Organized!” were I can overview these essential areas with more interaction and detail. If that sounds interesting to you, let me know 😄

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